A Natural method to ease Depression

Dealing with depression to say the least is an excruciating painful journey and according to the World Health Organization over 350 million people world wide struggle with depression.

Everyone has their own version and experiences with depression. I grew up with family members that were clinically diagnosed with severe depression.  For me when I experience depression it feels like I am prisoner of my mind. I feel like I am trapped in the dark side with Darth Vader and all I can see, hear, think and speak is negativity, hopelessness and fear. The only thing that helps me cope during these times is creating a space for me to heal and connect with myself and one of the ways I do this is through breathing and meditation.

When I was 25 I lost my father to Pancreatic cancer. Me, my mom and brother held my father’s hand as he took his last breath. After this happened, the following years on my journey were very challenging. I lost my marriage, my job and my best friend/sweet Labrador dog named Gunner my father had gave me. There was a stretch of three years where I was so confused, depressed and hopeless. It was like everything in my life was taken from and I was left with so much sadness and confusion. I felt like I was taken as a prisoner to the dark side with Darth Vader and my light was gone. People who saw me during this time didn’t recognize me and neither did I.

There was a stretch of three years where I was so confused, depressed and hopeless. It was like everything in my life was taken from and I was left with so much sadness and confusion. I felt like I was taken as a prisoner to the dark side with Darth Vader and my light was gone. People who saw me during this time didn’t recognize me and neither did I.

During this time I used to cope with excessive drinking on the weekends it numbed me for a bit and gave me a little vacation form feeling all the sadness. But it only made everything worse and made me feel more sick and depressed the next day. So I knew I couldn’t keep using this coping method. So after a lot of soul searching and working with a counselor and coach I started to face myself and realize the only thing I could do from this point was to learn who I was and how to heal to move forward.

I became conscious of my life and how I was living, who I was hanging out with and what things and people lifted me up or made me feel worse. I started to focus all my time and energy on doing things and being with people that helped me heal. Being out in nature and learning how to breathe and do meditation became my everyday medicine. I made a daily practice that I still do today that helps me stay aligned and avoid going to the dark side. Creating my own practice was so empowering I learned that I could truly be the one that saves myself and since then I have developed loving relationship with myself.

As I mentioned above, I know everyone’s experience with depression is different, my hope for this post is to provide light on your journey and share a special breath practice that can help ease the pain of depression.

Breath-work and meditation is free, natural and you can do it anywhere, anytime.  I honestly don’t think there are enough resources one can get to help ease the process of dealing with depression so I am very happy to be sharing this special breath practice that Alyssa Gaustad (@AlyssaNaamYoga) from Naam Yoga shows me in this video. Alyssa is an International Naam Yoga teacher and truly is an expert in teaching breath work and sound meditation. Please enjoy this video and practice and share with any family members that may be experiencing depression.

Breath work for depression

The breath practice shown in this video is to help you manage any sadness or depression you are experiencing. Breath practices are a natural and easy way to help you heal yourself. Doing this practice helps you become present and distracts the mind by having it focus on the breath and hand movements.

This breath practice consists of segmented breathing, you breathe and exhale through the nose. It’s a rhythmic and organized breath that affects the Pituitary Gland. The Pituitary Gland helps regulate all the other glands in the body and it affects your hormones and your emotions, how you feel and your perception.

Posture and Hand Position:

Place hands parallel palms facing each other and begin to move the hands in and out like an accordion. On the 8th beat/breath, clap the palms.


Pair your breath with the movements of your hands. You will inhale and exhale out of the nose while moving the hands for eight counts.


Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung (mantra for healing and putting a blueprint of health in your cells) or mentally count 8 beats. Mantras are like affirmations, helping reset neuro pathways


Practice 3-11 minutes in the morning and evening or whenever you feel sad.

Please contact me for more information or to schedule your free discovery call with me. Also please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more resources like this breath practice. I am here for you!

Love and light!



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